Multi-Vehicle Accident Results In Six Crashes

Multi-Vehicle Accident Results In Six Crashes

Posted on November 10, 2022
Category: Uncategorized
Car Accident Lawyer One car accident in Jacksonville ended up resulting in five more accidents. The multi-vehicle crash, which took place on November 27th, on I-295 Southbound at Morse Avenue, involved more than 20 vehicles, including two commercial trucks, and resulted in multiple injuries. Flordia Highway Patrol, who is investigating the accident, reports that none of the injuries were life-threatening. How Is Fault Determined? If you have been injured in a car accident, it is
Do Vehicle Safety Features Really Work

Do Vehicle Safety Features Really Work?

Posted on November 10, 2022
Category: Uncategorized
Car Accident Lawyer According to estimates from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 45,000 people per year are killed in automobile accidents each year, and another two million are injured. A car accident lawyer knows that approximately 20 percent of those accidents involve a distracted driver. To combat these issues, automobile manufacturers have added a number of safety features to their vehicles. Many of them – including automatic braking, adaptive headlights, and
If you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident and you were engaged in any kind of work-related activity at the time that you sustained harm, it’s time to speak with an experienced attorney about your legal options. While the process of gathering potentially critical evidence is a time-sensitive task as concerns any car accident, there is a particular urgency with which work-related accidents must be approached. When injured workers are eligible for workers’ compensation

FAQ: Gaining Compensation For Car Accidents

Posted on October 15, 2022
Category: Uncategorized
Car accidents can take on several forms and can range in severity. However, despite this, it’s essential to be aware that even the most minor accidents can result in significant injuries and losses. Victims may be left to contend with considerable pain that makes daily life challenging. Statistically speaking, the number of car accidents during the height of the pandemic was greatly reduced, but this was likely due to the decrease in vehicles on the

Accident Rates Increase Across The Country

Posted on October 15, 2022
Category: Uncategorized
According to reports from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were approximately 9,500 fatalities from car accidents in the first quarter of 2022 alone. These reports reflect a 7% increase in deaths from the very same quarter in 2021. In Vero Beach, trends are also moving in the wrong direction, as data shows that between January 2020 and August 2022, there were 2,350 reported accidents in the area. As recently as August, a
Depending upon the law firm that you are going to, each law firm may handle different practice areas. However, some of the most commonly handled criminal defense practice areas in Florida are listed below. This is not a full list, nor is it exhaustive, and if you have questions about what you are a criminal defense lawyer in Vero Beach, FL is able to handle, then reach out and ask. Arson Charge Defense Burglary Charges
Dental Treatments For Temporomandibular Joint

Dental Treatments For Temporomandibular Joint

Posted on September 28, 2022
Category: Uncategorized
Personal Injury Lawyers Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder is a fairly common condition that affects the jaw muscles and joints. This can lead to pain, discomfort, headaches and even difficulty speaking or eating. Fortunately, there are various treatments available to help alleviate these symptoms and make it easier to carry out everyday activities. If you or someone you care about suffers from TMJ, there is help. It is best to discuss your particular situation with a

When Distracted Drivers Get Injured

Posted on September 19, 2022
Category: Uncategorized
If you were distracted and injured in an accident as a result of that distraction, you may be under the impression that you do not have the right to recover any compensation for injuries suffered as a result of the crash. While it is true that injury victims our not absolved of responsibility for their contributions to the circumstances of an injurious crash, you may remain entitled to significant compensation at this time. It is

Florida Felons Face Danger At The Polls

Posted on September 19, 2022
Category: Uncategorized
Several years ago, Florida grabbed the nation’s attention when it passed a state constitutional amendment related to voting rights. During a moment in U.S. history when most voting rights stories concern voter suppression, this story out of Florida served as a ray of hope for millions of people across the country who hope to one day be in a position to cast a vote again. Florida’s 2018 Constitutional Amendment 4 restored voting rights to the

Dangerous Holiday Roads in Florida

Posted on September 19, 2022
Category: Uncategorized
There is a popular misconception that it is often safer to drive on the holidays because fewer individuals are commuting to or from work. While the roads are often less congested on the holidays, it is an unfortunate reality that it is generally much more dangerous to drive during the holidays than it is on an average work day. With that said, as recent trends on Florida roads illustrate, the time of day during which