For many people, the worst-case scenario in a slip-and-fall incident would involve them suffering a head injury. If you fall quickly or with a lot of force and strike your head on the floor or nearby fixtures, you can suffer a traumatic brain injury that could completely alter the course of your life. Compared with that, suffering a broken arm by trying to stop your fall may seem like a relatively minor injury. However, while
Dogs can be fantastic pets, but they can also cause some serious problems if they aren’t friendly or feel threatened. Usually, a family pet will be welcoming to strangers and those around them. In most cases, dogs are friendly and predictable, too. Unfortunately, there are some dogs that are not trained well or who become aggressive, which makes them more likely to bite or attack. Even a loving family pet can become aggressive if it’s
“Car driver killed in crash with a cyclist.” Have you ever seen this headline? It’s unlikely. Whereas you have probably seen plenty of headlines where cyclists died in crashes with drivers. As a driver in charge of a ton or more of moving steel, you need to take extra care around cyclists. Scientists in Sweden decided to look at how cars pass cyclists on out-of-town roads. They found three primary forms of overtaking: Flying: A
In the days and weeks after a car accident, you may feel sore. Bruises can take time to appear. These symptoms will usually fade with time. However, other symptoms could be signs that you experienced more serious injuries. Abdominal pain Severe abdominal pain and large, persistent bruises that appear hours or days after an accident could be a sign of internal bleeding. Internal bleeding could be life-threatening, and these conditions often require emergency medical care.
Florida Supreme Court Implements “Virtual” Civil Jury Trial Pilot Program
Category: Civil Litigation
On June 3, 2020, the Florida Supreme Court announced a pilot program for “virtual” civil jury trials in Florida. The program will be tested in five of Florida’s twenty judicial circuits. The five circuits were selected by the Court’s Workgroup on Continuity of Court Operations and Proceedings During and After Covid-19. The Workgroup was created by Chief Justice Charles Canady to advise the Court during the pandemic. The circuits were selected because they vary in
Speed Kills, Studies Show
Category: Auto Accidents
Excessive speed is a contributing factor in approximately one-half of all traffic fatalities. Approximately 10,000 people are killed each year in speed-related car accidents in the United States. That number has been increasing, as speed limits have increased across the country in the past 25 years. Some argue that increasing speed limits simply acknowledges the reality that most drivers exceed the speed limit. However, studies show that, once the limit is raised, drivers just go
Since truck drivers spend a lot of time on the road, many of them try to combat drowsy driving by drinking energy drinks or coffee. It might seem like ingesting coffee is just what a trucker needs to stay alert and not cause an auto wreck. Recent research, however, suggests that truckers who drink coffee over a long period of time are more likely to experience an automobile accident. According to American Trucker, a UK
One of the greatest things about riding a motorcycle is the freedom that you may feel when you are on the open road. It can be extremely tempting to not wear the right safety gear so that you can feel the breeze as you ride. However, seasoned motorcycle riders know that wearing safety gear is extremely important in the event of an accident. Even with the proper safety gear (a helmet, a leather jacket, thick
Covid-19 and the Courts
Category: Firm News
Like every other aspect of society, our nation’s court system has been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the National Center for State Courts, 34 states and the District of Columbia have completely suspended in-person court activities. In other states, local courts have been given the option of suspending in-person court hearings. Still, the essential work of the court system continues. Criminal arraignments, bond hearings, juvenile delinquency detention hearings, involuntary commitment hearings are examples
It should come as no surprise that traffic accidents have declined in the US since the COVID-19 pandemic began. There are several near-term impacts of having fewer cars on the road. How are the accidents that still occur being handled? In what ways will insurance companies respond? How will driver behavior change? Let’s explore each of these areas. A change in accident response With fewer cars on the road and more help needed on the