Florida Supreme Court Implements “Virtual” Civil Jury Trial Pilot Program
Category: Civil Litigation
On June 3, 2020, the Florida Supreme Court announced a pilot program for “virtual” civil jury trials in Florida. The program will be tested in five of Florida’s twenty judicial circuits. The five circuits were selected by the Court’s Workgroup on Continuity of Court Operations and Proceedings During and After Covid-19. The Workgroup was created by Chief Justice Charles Canady to advise the Court during the pandemic. The circuits were selected because they vary in
Speed Kills, Studies Show
Category: Auto Accidents
Excessive speed is a contributing factor in approximately one-half of all traffic fatalities. Approximately 10,000 people are killed each year in speed-related car accidents in the United States. That number has been increasing, as speed limits have increased across the country in the past 25 years. Some argue that increasing speed limits simply acknowledges the reality that most drivers exceed the speed limit. However, studies show that, once the limit is raised, drivers just go
Since truck drivers spend a lot of time on the road, many of them try to combat drowsy driving by drinking energy drinks or coffee. It might seem like ingesting coffee is just what a trucker needs to stay alert and not cause an auto wreck. Recent research, however, suggests that truckers who drink coffee over a long period of time are more likely to experience an automobile accident. According to American Trucker, a UK
One of the greatest things about riding a motorcycle is the freedom that you may feel when you are on the open road. It can be extremely tempting to not wear the right safety gear so that you can feel the breeze as you ride. However, seasoned motorcycle riders know that wearing safety gear is extremely important in the event of an accident. Even with the proper safety gear (a helmet, a leather jacket, thick
Covid-19 and the Courts
Category: Firm News
Like every other aspect of society, our nation’s court system has been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the National Center for State Courts, 34 states and the District of Columbia have completely suspended in-person court activities. In other states, local courts have been given the option of suspending in-person court hearings. Still, the essential work of the court system continues. Criminal arraignments, bond hearings, juvenile delinquency detention hearings, involuntary commitment hearings are examples
It should come as no surprise that traffic accidents have declined in the US since the COVID-19 pandemic began. There are several near-term impacts of having fewer cars on the road. How are the accidents that still occur being handled? In what ways will insurance companies respond? How will driver behavior change? Let’s explore each of these areas. A change in accident response With fewer cars on the road and more help needed on the
A bite from a dog can lead to serious injury and severe scarring that can be physical and/or psychological. Fortunately, you may be able to avoid an attack if you can recognize the signs that a dog is about to bite. Dogs use body language to convey warning signals that they feel distressed and may be getting ready to bite. Unfortunately, not all human beings read the signs correctly. Petful describes some of the common signs that
If you regularly encounter aggressive drivers during your commutes, you are not alone. In fact, according to a recent survey, more than 80% of drivers report engaging in aggressive driving. Road rage is not a harmless expression of emotion, though. On the contrary, it is a leading cause of car accidents across the country. The best way to avoid a collision with an angry driver is to deescalate the situation as quickly as possible. After all, a
We’ve all seen crazy behaviors on the road. From drivers eating full meals to people applying makeup while traveling at a high rate of speed, it’s a wonder how any of us ever make it to the end of the day. It’s one thing to witness a distracted driver. Proving it is something else entirely. However, there are steps you can take to gather evidence of distracted driving to help strengthen your injury claim. Distracted
A slip and fall accident can happen anywhere. It could be in your house, at the supermarket, at work or simply walking down the sidewalk. No matter where it happens, the effects of an accident can last for weeks or even years in your life. The National Floor Safety Institute and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have complied a series of statistics that show us the aftermath of a slip and fall, including